MGOCSM and Moral Classes:-
MGOCSM and moral classes are conducted simultaneously on every Wednesday from 12.00 PM to 12.45 PM under the guidance of teachers, in the church and auditorium respectively, with a view to uplift the moral values of students. The students are free to opt for any one of these classes according to their interest.
Refresher and Orientation Classes:-
Refresher and orientation classes are conducted separately for students and teachers, every year with the objective of motivating teachers and students to excel in their profession. Efficient personnel are deputed by the school for these classes
Road Safety Class:-
In association with Vakathanam Police, we have made arrangements to give classes on road safety to students.
Navodaya Training Class:-
Navodaya training is being given to students of classes IV and V by a team expert.
Career Guidance:-
Career guidance and admission guidance are given to Class XII students to help them opt for a suitable branch in higher studies.
Awareness Class for Parents:-
Classes on computer awareness, parent-child relations, etc are given to interested parents.
Entrance Coaching Class:-
Entrance coaching classes for engineering and medicine are extended to Higher Secondary students in association with the Pearson group. Classes are conducted on every second Saturdays, Sundays and other holidays including vacations. A teacher and an Ayah from the school are deputed to look after the students during the class.